نستكمل سويا الظرف فى اللغة الانجليزية وقواعده :
* بعض الصفات التي تنتهي ﺑ ( ic ) ,فعند تحويلها الى ظروف , يضاف لها (ally) الى نهايتها
والصفات التي تنتهي ﺑ (ical) يضاف اليها فقط ( ly ) كما في الامثلة التالية ...
automatically automatic
basically basic
economically economic
economically economical
energetically energetic
fantastically fantastic
historically historic
historically historical
scientifically scientific
electrically electrical
heroically heroic
· ولكن هناك استثناءات مثل ...
publicly public
· اخيراً , هذه مجموعه من الامثلة ستساعدك على فهم الظروف المشتقه ﺑ ( ly ) .
Larry always washes his car very carefully.
Finally we found the address we were looking for.
Donna proudly showed us her new home page.
I want to get this over and done with as quickly as possible.
It’s fairly obvious that the two leaders met secretly for peace talks last week.
ملاحظات هامة
· بعض الظروف يتم اشتقاقها من التصريف الثالث للفعل (Past Participle) بأضافة ( ly )الى نهاية الفعل كما في الامثلة التالية ....
markedly marked
allegedly alleged
assuredly assured
undeservedly undeserved
· بعض الظروف يتم اشتقاقها بأضافة بعض اللواحق الخاصة اليها وهي كالتالي ...
Backwards , downwards , forwards ,upwards
–wards - sideways –ways clockwise wise European – style , cowboy – style –style
Chinese – fashion , schoolboy – fashion
الظروف التي لها نفس شكل الصفات (اي ثابته لا تتغير)
وهي الكلمات التي تستعمل كصفات وظروف في نفس الوقت , حيث لها نفس الشكل مثل ...
الصفة (Adjective) الظرف (Adverb)
I bought it cheap. This is a cheap book.
We meet daily (weekly…etc) Is this a daily paper?
I got up vary early I took an early train.
He came home late. We had a late dinner.
Have you come far? The far end of the park.
She drives too fast. This is a fast car.
He worked hard all his life. Mr. Pearson a hard worker.
Will you please sit still? It was still evening in April.
I’m sorry it took so long. We went on a long journey.
We flew low over the hills. The man spoke in a low voice.
We went straight home. Give me a straight answer
ونستكمل البقية فى الجزء الثالث ان شاء الله تعالى
للعودة الى الجزء الاول
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