نستكمل الجزء الثالث من التعرف على الظرف فى اللغة الانجليزية وقواعده
الظروف التي تستخدم مع زمن المضارع
هذا النوع من الظروف يذكر عادة بين الفاعل والفعل الرئيسي وغالباً ما يستعمل مع الزمن المضارع
مثل ...
· A man often chooses a wife who is like his mother.
· We always wash our hands before dinner.
· I usually have a walk in the evening.
· I often go and see them.
· We sometimes visit the museum.
الظروف التي ليس لها شكل مماثل للصفات
بعض الصفات مثل (friendly , impossible , lively ) لا توجد لها ظروف مماثله , لذا تستخدم بطريقه اخرى كما في الامثلة التالية...
She answered in a friendly way.
He spoke in a lively manner.
We had a lively discussion.
Not possibly (or) impossibly
استعمالات الظروف
1· يستعمل الظرف لوصف الفعل مثل ...
· She drives carefully.
· She answered rudely.
· He writes well.
· He act badly.
· We miss you terribly.
· She runs quickly.
2· يستعمل الظرف لوصف الصفة مثل ...
· This is perfectly true.
· It’s awfully nice of you to call.
· I was completely wrong.
· The answer was dreadfully stupid.
· The mountain is dangerously steep.
· He is completely crazy.
3· يستعمل الظرف لوصف ظرف اخر مثل ...
· She writes extremely well.
· He speaks awfully slowly.
· The business in Holland went remarkably smoothly.
· She’d worked extremely hard.
· She sings incredibly beautifully.
· It seems to affect different people completely differently.
4· يمكن للظرف ان يصف عبارة اسميه , عباره كامله او حتى جملة كامله مثل ...
· Only someone very stupid would say that. (عبارة اسميه)
· We’ve got our silver wedding soon, so we’re planning a few days away.
· Frankly, when he smiles, it terrifies me. (جملة كامله)
· Luckily, I’d read the book before so I knew what it was.
6-بعض الظروف تأخذ شكلين ﺑ ( ly ) او بدون ( ly )
ظــــروف بدون(ly) ظــــروف مع (ly)
The audience laughed loudly. I read the article out loud.
She speaks loudly. Read aloud.
They are closely related. Don’t come too close.
We easily beat our opponents. Take it easy, man!
I hardly believed it. She worked hard.
I was highly amused. He played high and lost a fortune.
She’s not been well lately. We arrived late.
He’s lowly paid. They searched high and low.
The train is nearly full. She lives quite near.
He’s rightly upset. We’ll do it right now. (right away)
I’ll be back shortly. He stopped short.
He was wrongly accused. My name’s spelt wrong.
والى اللقاء فى الجزء الرابع من الدرس
لمراجعة الجزء الاول
لمراجعة الجزء الثانى
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